Primary Care in Rochester and Kasson

Answering your questions about questionnaires

5/13/2019 by Dr. John Matulis


You may have noticed when checking in for your appointment, either online or in person, that you're being asked more questions. While these questions may not seem to be related to why you're coming in, we're using this information to improve the care you receive. 

How can I check in for my ECH appointment?

  • Come to the desk
  • Use the kiosk
  • Go online, using either the My Mayo Clinic app or Patient Online Services

What about the questionnaire we're asked to fill out?

  • This series of questions helps your care team better understand your health. 
  • Questionnaires can be completed on a tablet, after you check in and while you're waiting for your appointment, collected during the rooming process, or completed online before arriving for your appointment. 

Why am I being asked to complete one or more questionnaires?

  • Some are routinely used to screen for common conditions, and in general, see how you're feeling or functioning. 
  • Others may be used to assess an underlying condition, such as asthma. 

How is this information used?

  • Your care team will use the answers to your questions to determine whether further intervention is needed. 
  • Certain questionnaires are very important  to your provider's assessment and completing the questionnaires beforehand will leave more time in your appointment to address other issues. 

That sounds important, anything I can do to help?

  • Answer the questions as honestly as possible. 
  • Remind your care team about any responses to questions you'd like to discuss further. 

Dr. John Matulis is a consultant in Employee and Community Health's (ECH) Division of Community Internal Medicine (CIM). In addition to general internal medicine, he is board certified in preventive medicine and has an interest in quality improvement.